Old Town Square in Prague. Our favorite place to take a lazy stroll. The tents were full of traditional Easter goodies and crafts. |
Note all the eggs in the tree- this is the traditional way to decorate for Easter. |
The astronomical clock - such a disappointment the first time around, really really cool the second! |
View from the giant Metronome that keeps time on a hill overlooking the city center. Before the modern metronome was here there was a giant (30 meter high) statue of Stalin. I think everyone is in agreement that the metronome is much better. |
Prague Castle and Cathedral |
View from the castle - royals really knowhow to do things right. Castles, views, wealth - living the life! |
Charles Bridge - over 650 years old! The bridge is packed all throughout the day and into the night with people strolling across. Street vendors, musicians, and artists sketching caricatures fill the sides |
Yum! My favorite Czech Easter treat - called Chimney cakes these delightful dough cylinders were delectable! |
Prague's old Jewish cemetery was the only place thousands of Jewish people were allowed to bury their dead for a over a hundred years. Smaller than a city block, the cemetery is the resting place of an estimated 400,000 Czech Jews. In some places they are buried 14 deep because they ran out of room to bury people only one deep, these people are buried one on top of the other. The unevenness of the ground due to the multiple graves is one reason the 1200 headstones are all tilted and toppled, sunk into the ground so close together that it would be impossible to walk between them. |
View from Petrine Hill in the Little Quarter. |
Prague's mini - Eiffel Tower! it's 1/5th the size of it's Paris Counter part, but it also sits on top of a a giant hill in the Little Quarter so you can see just as far! |
The perfect meadow for an afternoon rest |
The Lennon wall - after John Lennon. Filled with colorful grafiti, the wall is covered in Beatles lyrics, peace signs (my favorite!) and names from where people have signed it. I could have spent hours looking at all the inscriptions. I signed (twice!) |
We added a lock with all our initials and the year to the bridge just outside the Lennon Wall. an |
Start of Berlin pictures > This is the Jewish Memorial in Berlin. Blocks of smooth, gray cement of varying height take up a whole city bock. You can walk through the aisle-ways. In the middle the cement blocks are about 10 feet tall. What an epic place to play hide-and-go-seek tag! |
The gate to the concentration camp outside Berlin - the transcription means "Work makes you Free" A horrible truth for the prisoners that were literally worked to death at this manual labor camp. |
The crematorium a the concentration camp. Originally this camp was not meant as an extermination camp but over crowding by the late 30's made the camp into even more of a death camp than it had previously been. |
Can you say Shnitzel? yes? ok well try saying it 5 times fast! - Yum, this stuff was good! |
Our dinner our last night in Berlin |
Brandenburg Tor in Berlin - a magnificent sight to behold at night |
Cutest car ever - it's like they forgot to put the rest of the car together. It has no doors and about 4 inches of windshield. Can I have one please??? |
I hope you enjoy the pictures and the descriptions. I have so much fun documenting this trip but tried to keep it short enough that no one would fall asleep reading about it. I miss and love you all and can't wait to see everyone. <3 At
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