Went hiking today and it was the perfect topper to an already great weekend. From the beach to the mountains- I enjoyed it all this weekend. Today’s hike was in the Sierra in the northern part of Huevla, the neighboring providence to the West. 14 kilometers of unbelievable beauty and a shining sun with a balmy 73 degrees made this hike the perfect Sunday activity. Throw in my friend Nick and my new friend Brenna and Jose -the world’s best guide- and the hike had a fun commentary which never let you be bored (as if that could possible with views like today’s!).
My friends and I wanted to be right up in the front and our guide Jose, with the longest legs of the bunch, set off at a striking pace. By the end of the hike he made it a game that whatever big hill we had to crest he would look back at us and say “andamos rapidio?” –let’s walk faster!- and off we would go, practically running up the hill. I was happy to get the exercise. One of my favorite parts of the hike was when we had to cross a 4 foot wide stream. Jose (with a taunting smile) told me to go first so naturally I stepped up to the challenge and jumped across, barely clearing the creek. He then followed with the rest of the group on some steeping stones I hadn’t seen that were about 4 feet to my left. He didn’t let me live that one down for quite a while… We got to see our fill of sheep, goats, horses and cows. Near the middle of the hike we came across a giant quarry and copper mine. The countryside was abloom with wildflowers. Small happy daisies, yellow wildflowers, and heather created a carpet of color that begged to be napped upon. Alas, we had to keep hiking.
After we arrived back to Sevilla, covered in mud and slightly sun burnt, Nick, Brenna, and I headed towards the river with the ultimate destination being a cluster of tents that sell world food. I got tacos from the Mexican tent but will be going back very soon for German bratwursts, Argentinian bbq, and Greek gyros. It was the perfect end to a perfect day spent in the sun with good friends and great views.
Now it’s time for the finale of one of my favorite Spanish dramas. Ana and I are very excited for it - who wouldn’t be? The main characters (2 GORGEOUS brothers both with magical powers) have the final fight for the heart of their mutual love. Who will she choose?? We shall see. If it was me, I’d go with the brown haired brother – he doesn’t have the bad-boy attitude but he definitely got the book smarts! - I now understand the plots of 4 tv dramas which Ana watches religiously
I miss and love you all <3 At
Brenna, Jose, Me, & Nick - leaders of the group - Jose was the best guide ever! |
The carpet of wildflowers - don't you just want to take a nap here and enjoy the sun on your face? |
After a huge hill (at Jose's crazy fast pace) we made it to the top to overlook the copper mine |
The still-functioning copper mine and quarry - beautiful. There were goats grazing about 10 yards the the left too |
what lucky horses to live here |
The "twins" Jose the tall guide and Dani the short one. They are great and makes the hikes so much fun. |
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