Thursday, February 3, 2011

Updates from a lucky girl

The last few days have been B-E-A-UTIFUL!!!  Today I booked the only other big trip I will take during the semester. So I'm off to PARIS Feb 25-28 with the same girls I'm heading to Prague with in April. I'm very excited but now am not allowing myself any more expensive trips. After all, I am not coming back to the US until June 15th, after a month's worth of traveling. I've got to save up!

Tomorrow I have my final in my intensive grammar class and starting Monday I start my regular session classes with class at CIEE Mon/Wed from 3-7pm and class at the University Tuesday/Thur from 5-9pm. It's a much later schedule than I'm used to, but on the plus side I will have all day to be outside enjoying the lovely weather.

A couple days ago I had 2 personal field trips to do for my class. I had to do to a museum for one. It was nice, a few to many religious paintings for me (aka ALL religious paintings except for a cool 18th century piano). The other 'field trip' was to the oldest market in the city. El Mercado de la Calle Feria.  It was quite a sight! Situated in an ancient building between 2 churches, there are fruit stands, veggie stands, meat and cheese and fish stands. It's eye-catching with the vivid colors of the fruit drawing my eye. I got fresh strawberries for the walk back to school. Yumm!!

One of my best friends from Indy is studying in Toledo (near Madrid) this semester and she is visiting Sevilla this weekend. I can't wait to show her my city. And lastly I will leave you with a couple pictures. One of each: the market, the museum staircase (the building was cooler than the art in my opinion) and a picture of the park where I go to study (aka people watch) and enjoy the afternoon sun. The park that is a grand total of a block and a half away from our apartment. 

I'm one lucky girl. Thank you to everyone who helped get me here and who have supported me in every way possible both here and at home. I love and miss you all.

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