We signed up for classes today. These are for the regular session courses with start Feb 7th and end May12th. If I get all my first choices I will have class Monday through Thursday. Monday and Wednesday I would have 2 classes, each and hour and 40 minutes long, and would be at the CIEE center from 3 until 7. Tuesday and Thurday I would have 2 classes each to 2nhours long and would be at the University of Sevilla from 5 until 9 pm. This schedule would have me taking 2 classes each day, CIEE classes M/W, and Classes at the University T/Th.
The classes I choose are: Spanish for health professionals, academic writing and critical thinking, phonetics, and contemporary spanish-american novels. The first 2 are the CIEE courses at the center, and the second are called classes for foreigners at the University of Sevilla and are taken with other students from different programs.
For these next 2 weeks we have an intensive grammar class (much needed!) at the CIEE center. We start monday!
Ps. fun sighting: A little boy about 10 drinking a beer with his dad during lunch and overhearing the dad tell the kid not to tell his mom. :) It seemed like this wasn't their first time doing this little deception trick of theirs.
Attie, I just wanted to let you know that all of us here at Knotts Optometry are staying up to date on your adventure and are VERY excited for you!!!! Keep writing and stay warm girlie. Have fun and know that we are all thinking about you here in the US of A. ~Sarah